Why Home Automation?
Home Automation provides added comfort, convenience,
enhances your security and produces environmental savings in all your home
systems which you automate. Home automation can control all aspects of
your life but with you in total control of how much.
Why choose Home Automation Solutions?
Home Automation Solutions from One Touch was established
in the early days of home automation. With our background in electrical
and cabling we are able to understand the total need that Home Automation
systems should never be seen but should work seamlessly in the home. All
our Home Automation packages are designed to integrate together and will
work today - but more importantly are designed for expansion tomorrow.
What the next step?
Now is the time to take advantage of this 21st century
home automation technology to provide you with the latest time saving
devices, security protection and all benefits which your automated 'smart'
house will bring. Look at the features and products available on our web
site and then talk to us and bring your ideas to fruition. To obtain a
'ball park' figure for your plans or for brochures or home automation
advice, please feel free to contact us by phone. You will find we are very
easy to talk to and will share our home automation knowledge with you to
ensure that the future does not make you wish you were still back in the
dark ages!!
If you would like more information on any of the above then please call us on
Free Call: 0800 634 7557
Head Office Tel: 0845 123 2599